View Full Version : The way Megaforce could have been good

MMPR Forever
03/06/15, 11:50 AM
They should have had Melkor escape from a dumpster to conquer Earth. The Rangers could have been a new generation of teens attending Angel Grove High. Troy was actually fine since he was like Jason in a way. Noah needed to wear overalls. Emma should have been into gymnastics.. Jake should have been an expert at hip hop kiddo. Gia could have been more like Trini. Gosei could have been a new form of Zordon. I would have had the juice bar in it and two bumbling punks. There should have been a lot of slapstick to go with the Ranger action.

03/06/15, 04:08 PM

Simply put no. Megaforce needed to be its own thing and not be MMPR.

A Gia To Remember
03/06/15, 04:37 PM
I think you're changes are pretty superficial. Megaforce was already drawing a lot from MMPR. I don't see how those changes would make things better. You had to have some originality. It wasn't gonna be a literal remake of MMPR.

Destiny Defeated
03/06/15, 04:40 PM
You're letting your nostalgia interfere with your enjoyment with the show again. I am very surprised Megaforce isn't one of youre favs. Since you are always talking about wantiing a return to MMPR. Megaforce is the closest you're gonna get.

03/06/15, 10:43 PM
I think Megaforce was already like MMPR. Thats why its one of the few recent seasons I can get into. I do wish they showed the old Rangers more in Super Megaforce. But overall Megaforce was a good throw back to MMPR.

Terra Venture
03/08/15, 10:27 PM
Megaforce had potential. But the lack originality from the sentai really hurt things. The stuff that was original was actually pretty good. I think it swuld have been better with 40 eps. Super Megaforce had the same cast but jumped to another sentai and rushed the anniversary stuff.

Usagi Reborn
03/08/15, 10:34 PM
I wonder how good Megaforce would have been if Lynn was in charge. I would think that the quality would have continued after "Mega Mission"'. Instead of crashing and burning.

03/09/15, 12:22 AM
I think you're changes are pretty superficial. Megaforce was already drawing a lot from MMPR. I don't see how those changes would make things better. You had to have some originality. It wasn't gonna be a literal remake of MMPR.
I completely agree. We already had a head without a body being their Mentor like Zordon was, we already had a robotic helper to help them out in Tensou like the Alpha robots were, we had them hanging out at Ernie's, we had them going to a Smoothie-like place that had a guy named Ernie in charge of it and was presumably the owner the only difference is that Ernie's Brain Freeze was named Ernie's whereas the Youth Center was just the Youth Center it wasn't Ernie's Youth Center also on top of which they had lines that were almost borrowed from Day of the Dumpster.

You're letting your nostalgia interfere with your enjoyment with the show again. I am very surprised Megaforce isn't one of youre favs. Since you are always talking about wantiing a return to MMPR. Megaforce is the closest you're gonna get.
I completely agree.

I think Megaforce was already like MMPR. Thats why its one of the few recent seasons I can get into. I do wish they showed the old Rangers more in Super Megaforce. But overall Megaforce was a good throw back to MMPR.
I agree.

Megaforce had potential. But the lack originality from the sentai really hurt things. The stuff that was original was actually pretty good. I think it swuld have been better with 40 eps. Super Megaforce had the same cast but jumped to another sentai and rushed the anniversary stuff.
I completely agree. Them following the Sentai so much really hurt the season but them needing to use 2 Sentai series for Megaforce was also damaging to the Megaforce seasons as well.

I wonder how good Megaforce would have been if Lynn was in charge. I would think that the quality would have continued after "Mega Mission"'. Instead of crashing and burning.

I think it would have been a lot better.

Gosei Gold
03/09/15, 01:05 AM
I though Megaforce was fine the way it was. It took PR back to high school and gave us typical teens as heroes. The characters were strong and the series was fun. It had plenty of action and felt like Power Rangers. I really dug the MMPR throw backs. But it was good that they didn't take over the show.

03/09/15, 01:17 AM
I though Megaforce was fine the way it was. It took PR back to high school and gave us typical teens as heroes. The characters were strong and the series was fun. It had plenty of action and felt like Power Rangers. I really dug the MMPR throw backs. But it was good that they didn't take over the show.

My issues were as follows:

Gosei barely did anything.
Only the Gosei Ultimate was given an explanation as to where it came from - it wasn't ready and Tensou had to work on it everything else Gosei just pulled from his non-existent butt.
Gosei had no knowledge of the villains so his explanation of The Armada just didn't work at all.
Too much Sentai footage for a season that was supposed to be original.
Admiral Malkor was a waste for a leader... Vrak was more of a leader compared to Malkor. Malkor did nothing at all. I can't even pick who is worse Xandred or Malkor.
Using Dairanger and pre-Zyu powers for Legendary Morphs. Focus on the actual POWER RANGERS that we had for Legendary Morphs instead of just caring about the stuff that was only shown in Japan and nowhere else.
Vekar being inconsistent. He was written for one episode with a decent character but the next episode he goes to his Sentai personality and keeps that for the rest of the season which just makes him look even worse than Lothor.
Legendary Battle not even being legendary. I mean come on we're supposed to believe that foot soldiers are seriously that big of a threat?
On top of that Legendary Battle comment I mean seriously come on we're supposed to believe that not every warrior in Power Rangers actually came by to help out? Where were the other 6th Rangers? Where were the Extra Warriors and Extra Rangers like Ninjor, Auric, Blue Senturion, Phantom Ranger, Kat Ranger, Nova Ranger and even Sentinel Knight among others?
Where's the explanation for why Jake's Super Mega Mode is a different color?

Dino Charger
03/09/15, 10:36 AM
Its a kids show it doesn't matter. I don't understand why people put so much thought into PR and read into even everything. Just enjoy the show. Everything doesn't have to make perfect sense. Megaforce was fun, I don't care if everything wasn't explained. It is a fantasy afterall.

Inner Senshi
03/09/15, 10:39 AM
I hate it when the fandom says bad things about PR. Maybe we should make a rule against that.

03/09/15, 04:00 PM
I hate it when the fandom says bad things about PR. Maybe we should make a rule against that.

I wouldn't go that far. Everyone has the right to critize the show if they think it deserves it. Its part of what we do here. Sure some people go overboard. But you can overly praise the show too. And it makes for good discussion when people disagree. As long as it doesnt turn into a flame fest.

Sentai Snob
03/10/15, 01:54 PM
I don't think a PR season could ever be good. Lets face it, Power Rangers is a poor recreation of sentai. Megaforce actually did a.fairly good job following the sentai. I would have got rid of the MMPR references and anything that deviated too much from Sentai. I also would have had Super Mario Force stick with the same sentai and adapted Gokaiger this year.

MMPR Forever
03/10/15, 01:59 PM
I hate Sentai. It messed up PR worse once they started following it closely. MMPR didn't slave to Zyuranger and often did things in spite of Sentai. Thats one of the reasons why it was that best and always will be. Copying Sentai just made PR worse.

03/10/15, 02:09 PM
I don't think a PR season could ever be good. Lets face it, Power Rangers is a poor recreation of sentai. Megaforce actually did a.fairly good job following the sentai. I would have got rid of the MMPR references and anything that deviated too much from Sentai. I also would have had Super Mario Force stick with the same sentai and adapted Gokaiger this year.

then go continue to watch Sentai it's obvious you'll never be happy unless you see Sentai and Power Rangers being an American version of Sentai is the wrong approach.

Power Rangers as I keep on saying is supposed to be its own show it's not supposed to be an American version of Sentai. Pretty much the majority of the fanbase wanted to put Tzachor on a grill because of his Sentai obsession and his need to copy and paste stuff from the Sentai into Power Rangers. Simply put making Power Rangers an American version of its counterpart Sentai is nothing more than the writers being lazy and admitting that they can't write worth a crap.

03/10/15, 02:13 PM
I hate Sentai. It messed up PR worse once they started following it closely. MMPR didn't slave to Zyuranger and often did things in spite of Sentai. Thats one of the reasons why it was that best and always will be. Cooying Sentai just made PR worse.

I completely agree that copying Sentai just doesn't work in Power Rangers especially when they don't want to do anything original or do very little in original content. MMPR, Zeo and Turbo were masters at doing their original stuff even Space, Galaxy and Lightspeed were but only to a point. Space did copy a few things from Megaranger (the whole thing with Cassie being blackmailed into going on a date with a guy, the whole Psycho saga and of course the lead villain trying to use the Psycho Rangers to drain the powers of their Master) but even with those things being taken from Megaranger they still made it an original season.

Gosei Gold
03/10/15, 02:25 PM
I don't really care if PR copies Sentai or not . As long as its good, I will enjoy it regardless. I like seasons like Space and Samurai.