View Full Version : Den-O Episode #33: "Time Troubler: Little Hana"

09/17/07, 02:09 PM
On the DenLiner, the Tarōs and Naomi see a twisted and damaged track, and the Owner reveals that a future is being opened. Just then, Momotaros realizes that Hana is not there, and elsewhere Hana finds herself turned into a young child.Rangers Back in Time! LOL

This kid's a good actress. She's got Hana down pat.

09/21/07, 08:13 PM
Eh, pretty straightforward.

The piano man was kind of creepy since he didn't talk much, and played air piano all through the episode. And the action sequence was really abbreviated, with the cinematography itself somehow being blocked by the area where the battle took place. I did like the Kraken Imagin, though. And Piano form's a nifty take on Double-Action.

For the record, I'm going to miss little Hana when she's gone. She's so perfectly Hanafied!